Dengue: Symptoms & How To Protect Yourself From The Disease?

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease which is spreading rapidly nowadays. The virus is responsible for causing dengue, is called dengue virus & it is of two types:

1) Dengue

2) Severe Dengue

Dengue infections produce only mild illness while Severe Dengue can cause flu-like illness. The virus is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female mosquitoes , and the virus spreads through the person’s bloodstream.

What are the symptoms of Dengue ?

Usually, symptoms of Dengue feel like an uncomplicated fever and not easily identifiable in teens and children. Dengue causes a fever of 101-103 degrees along with at least two of these symptoms:

1) Headache
2) Muscle, bone and joint pain
3) Nausea
4) Pain behind the eyes
5) Swollen glands
6) Weakness in body

What can we do to protect ourselves ?

Lesser skin exposure: Try wearing long pants and shirts to cover your skin surfaces and reducing the chances of bites. Mosquitoes are highly active early in the morning or evening, so try avoiding venturing out in those times.

Mosquito Repellent: A repellent with at least 10 per cent concentration of diethyltoluamide (DEET). A higher concentration is needed for longer exposures. You can apply the ointment daily to keep mosquitoes away.

Personal hygiene: When you are infected with any virus, you are extra sensitive to other illnesses. Use a hand sanitizer or hand wash which acts to keep germs at bay. The liquid soap will protect you against many illness-causing germs.

Disinfect stagnant water: The Dengue mosquito breeds in clean and stagnant water. Keep water covered at all times and use a proper disinfectant if necessary. Turn over any vessels which can accumulate water and scrub the surfaces thoroughly so as to reduce the chances of developing a breeding ground for the mosquitoes.

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