No you’ll have to make final decision before joining.

We are not selling a product but helping you in leading a healthy lifestyle. If you follow the diet plan properly and lead a healthy lifestyle, there are very few chances of not achieving the ideal weight. But even if that doesn’t happen you still achieve a better health and lifestyle.

The refund isn’t possible because we charge you for our time and efforts gone in helping you lead a healthy lifestyle which is irreversible.

Reduced spots are a fiction. This implies that one cannot solely focus on reducing fat from a certain area of the body. Exercise can assist you in toning a specific body regions, but your body eliminates fat proportionately from all of the fat deposits, regardless of where they are located.

Breaks can affect the flow of the food and lifestyle adjustments we advise. So we don’t encourage breaks. You are allowed a maximum break of 3 weeks during a 6 month programme and 6 weeks during a 12 month programme only if the reason is unavoidable.

The hold/pause option does not apply to programmes lasting one or three months.

Our plans are non-transferable but in case of a medical emergency, the possibility can be discussed with a transfer fees.

We can’t promise weight loss of 5, 10, or 20 kgs. Weight reduction is multi-factorial process and results vary from person to person, a body can safely reduce a few kilogrammes and inches in a month. It depends on your nutrition, medical history, level of activity, level of stress, amount of water you drink, amount of sleep you get, mental health, mindset, level of belief, and degree of trust, to mention a few.

As long as you maintain your discipline, the weight won’t return. The diet programmes we provide are not quick fixes that you follow for fleeting effects. Instead, it is a diet and lifestyle plan that combines the two, where we recommend foods that you can eat for the rest of your life to get long-term results and alter your way of life. Be certain

That’s not possible. Every diet programme is unique and tailored based on each person’s eating habits, medical history, body structure, and lifestyle.

Your movement towards your ideal weight while maintaining proper body composition is one important factor. But apart from that, some of the most important factors while gauging progress is how do you feel. For example:

How are the energy levels?
Do you feel light?
Has your performance or endurance improved?
Are the health indicators returning to normal?
Is immunity increasing?

There is no limit or bar. Everyone has to reach their ideal weight which depends on your height and gender. If you are dedicated, focused and ready to challenge your lifestyle, no matter how far you are, you will soon achieve your ideal weight.

Diet plans are prescribed after a consultation/feedback call. We’ll send it to you over email in a PDF file.

We only want you to be dedicated towards your goal, have self-control, confidence on your mentor, and a little bit of patience.

Although diet is crucial, your results will also depend on how well you manage your other lifestyle pillars like exercise, water, rest, and stress management.

The kind of diet strategy we’ll develop for you is as following.

1) No supplements

2) 100% customeised diet plans. No pre-determined or fixed diets.

3) Homely and traditional meals while helping you with portion control. No crash dieting.

1) When it comes to helping you achieve health goals, our focus is always on suggesting a nutritious diet. We don’t ask you to starve yourself or follow fad diets but help you lead a healthy lifestyle with the help of homemade and sustainable food options. 2) We treat each of our clients with the respect they deserve and help them stay motivated and follow the right track with personalised sessions. 3) Special focus on result tracking and sharing knowledge about nutrition and food so that you can always make the best choice before having your meal every day.

We don’t suggest strict diet plans and push you for an unattainable level of thinness. We don’t even deprive you of your favourite foods. Consume only what you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle while making sure it’s good for your long term goals.

By learning certain nutrition fundamentals and adopting them in a way that works for you, you can feel fantastic, have more energy, increase your stamina, and boost your immunity.

  • We only recommend home-made kitchen meals
  • We provide support and guidance
  • No Starvation Diets recommended
  • Customized Diet plans for every individual
  • BMI Based Diet plans offered
  • Online consultation provided
  • We take holistic approach to nutrition